
Update: BitMEX Indices and Quarterly Futures Listings for Q3 2023


tipo relacionado: Others

2023-06-30 12:04

A quick note that we will be updating our indices across all products today at 12:00:05 UTC. The affected indices will be as detailed below: .BADA, .BADAT, .BADAXBT, .BAIDOGE, .BAIDOGET, .BAPET, .BAPT, .BAPTT, .BARB, .BARBT, .BAVAX, .BAVAXT, .BAXS, .BBABYDOGE, .BBABYDOGET, .BBCH, .BBCHT, .BBCHXBT, .BBLUR, .BBLURT, .BBMEX, .BBMEXT, .BBNB, .BBNBT, .BBOB, .BBOBT, .BBONE, .BBONET, .BCRO, .BCROT, .BDOGE, .BDOGET, .BDOT, .BDOTT, .BDYDXT, .BELON, .BELONT, .BEOS, .BEOST, .BEOSXBT, .BETH, .BETHT, .BETHWT, .BETHXBT, .BFLOKI, .BFLR, .BFLRT, .BGMT, .BGMTT, .BGMX, .BGMXT, .BHOGE, .BHOGET, .BKAVA, .BKAVAT, .BKLAY, .BKLAYT, .BLINK, .BLINKT, .BLTC, .BLTCT, .BLTCXBT, .BLUNA, .BLUNAT, .BMATICT, .BMKRT, .BMONG, .BMONGT, .BNEAR, .BORDI, .BPEPE, .BPEPET, .BRNDR, .BRNDRT, .BSOL. Please note that the hypothetical values of the indices with new weights are published as part of the "NEXT" index family . Please refer to our blog for index weights and further details. If you have any questions in the meantime, please contact Support.