Changes to V5 API users as OKX supports USDC index
Jenis terkait: Others
2023-03-24 18:27
. Dear OKX users, The following adjustments are expected to be made to live trading at 8:30 am UTC on April 6, 2023, as OKX supports USDC index. . REST API - Trade, Account and Public data. REST API Request parameters Response parameters Adjustment Get order details /api/v5/trade/orders-pending uly - When selecting USD-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USD index will be returned. When selecting USDC-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USDC index will be returned. Get order history /api/v5/trade/orders-history uly - Get order history /api/v5/trade/orders-history-archive uly - Get transaction details /api/v5/trade/fills uly - Get transaction details /api/v5/trade/fills-history uly - Get mark price /api/v5/public/mark-price uly - Get delivery/exercise history /api/v5/public/delivery-exercise-history uly - Get open interest /api/v5/public/open-interest uly - Get insurance fund /api/v5/public/insurance-fund uly - Get portfolio margin mode limitation /api/v5/account/position-tiers uly uly When selecting USD-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USD index will be returned. When selecting USDC-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USDC index will be returned. For USDC derivatives, the uly in the response parameters is the corresponding USDC index . For "Get instruments info" endpoint, uly and instFamily will be the same within the response parameters of USDC derivatives. Get instruments info /api/v5/public/instruments uly uly Get options market data /api/v5/public/opt-summary uly uly Get position tiers /api/v5/public/position-tiers uly uly Get public liquidation data /api/v5/public/liquidation-orders uly uly Get positions history /api/v5/account/positions-history - uly For USDC derivatives, the uly in the response parameters is the corresponding USDC index . Get underlying index /api/v5/public/underlying - uly Get fee rates /api/v5/account/trade-fee uly maker taker makerUSDC takerUSDC When the uly parameter is set to USD, only the taker and maker values are available in the response parameters. When the uly parameter is set to USDC, only the takerUSDC and makerUSDC values are available in the response parameters. For instType = SWAP/FUTURES: When uly is set to BTC-USD, only the taker and maker values are available in the response parameters. The takerU, makerU, takerUSDC, and makerUSDC values are empty. When uly is set to BTC-USDC, the takerUSDC and makerUSDC values are available in the response parameters, while the taker, maker, takerU, and makerU values are empty. REST API - Market data. REST API Request parameters Response parameters Adjustment Get index tickers /api/v5/market/index-tickers quoteCcy instId - The request parameter quoteCcy supports USDC, and the instId parameter supports USDC indices , and returns the ticker data corresponding to the USDC index. Get index candlesticks /api/v5/market/index-candles instId - The request parameter instId supports USDC indices and returns the data for the current USDC index. Get index candlesticks history /api/v5/market/history-index-candles instId - Get index components /api/v5/market/index-components index - The request parameter index supports USDC indices and returns the data for the current USDC index. Get tickers /api/v5/market/tickers uly - When selecting USD-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USD index will be returned. When selecting USDC-related indices as the uly parameter, only details related to the current USDC index will be returned. Get block tickers /api/v5/market/block-tickers uly - REST API - Grid trading. REST API Request parameters Response parameters Adjustment Get grid trading bot order list /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-pending - uly For USDC derivatives, the uly in the response parameters is the corresponding USDC index . Get grid trading bot order history /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-history - uly Get grid trading bot order details /api/v5/tradingBot/grid/orders-algo-details - uly WebSocket. Channel type Channel Request parameters Response parameters Adjustment Public channel Index candlesticks channelindex-candle30m instId - The subscription parameter instId supports USDC indices and returns the data of the current USDC index. Index tickers channelindex-tickers instId - Instruments channelinstruments - uly For USDC derivatives, the uly parameter in the push notification is the corresponding USDC index .For "Instruments channel", uly and instFamily will be the same within the push notification of USDC derivatives. Options summary channelopt-summary - uly Public liquidation channelliquidation-orders - uly Private channel Futures grid bots channelgrid-orders-contract - uly Note: A "-" in the "Request parameters" column means that the request parameter is not affected by the adjustment. A "-" in the "Response parameters" column means that there is no uly parameter returned. OKX March 24, 2023 .