BitForexニュース BitForexニュースコラムはBitForexとその様々な取引資産に関連する全ての事柄を包括的にカバーします。ニュース、ニュアンスに豊に市場分析、トレンド、予測、最近の市場の変化などを紹介しています。BitForexからの最新の2つのニュース
Dear BitForex users, CREDIT (TerraCreditDAO) is implementing their ERC20 token to Native
Dear BitForex users, The Yucreat team will implement YUC's scripting algorithm with BEP 20
Dear BitForex users, Yucreat team is implementing their scrypt algorithm coin to BEP20 tok
Dear BitForex users, Bitforex happily announces the award of the EthereumMax (EMAX) token.
Dear BitForex users, In honor of Moonbet (MBET) 's premium token offering, BitForx present
Dear BitForex users, We are delighted to announce the listing of EthereumMax (EMAX) on Bit
To celebrate the premium token offering of Moonbet (MBET) on BitForex, we are giving away
Dear BitForex users, In order to increase market liquidity and improve trading experien
Dear BitForex users, Bitforex will host an airdrop event on August 25, 2021 at 3 PM (KST)
In order to respond the community's request, Bitforex will reopen ROOBEE/USDT Spot market