Update on Unstaking/Withdrawal of Staked ETH and Rewards from Staking ETH Post Ethereum's Shapella Upgrade
ประเภทที่เกี่ยวข้อง: Others
2023-04-26 19:43
Following the Shapella upgrade that took place on 12/04/2023 at 10:27 PM UTC, Bitfinex customers can now unstake and withdraw their staked ETH and unlock their ETH staking rewards for the first time. To begin the process of unstaking ETH2 or unlocking your ETH2Rewards , customers need to convert their ETH2 or ETH2Rewards to ETH2Unstaking using the currency conversion tool on the platform's wallet page. Customers will need to enter the amount of ETH2 or ETH2Rewards they wish to unstake, and then select "ETH2 - ETH2X" or "ETH2Rewards - ETH2R" in the "From" dropdown menu and "ETH2Unstaking - ETH2U" in the "To'' dropdown menu. Following the conversion, the balance will be irreversibly converted into "ETH2Unstaking" and, based on the result of the unbonding process of the staked funds on chain, the ETH2Unstaking balance will be converted to ETH, which can then be traded, withdrawn, etc.It is important to note that due to Ethereum network limitations, the ETH unstaking or unlocking requests may take some time to be processed. Customers will have to wait for the ETH2 or ETH2Rewards to be unlocked by the Ethereum network. Bitfinex does not control the Ethereum network and cannot provide information about when ETH2 or ETH2Rewards will be unlocked by the Ethereum network. Bitfinex understands that unlocking may, however, take from weeks to months. Important: The conversion request from ETH2 and ETH2Rewards to ETH2Unstaking is final and irreversible.. Once you convert your ETH2 to ETH2Unstaking, it will no longer be staked and will cease to earn staking rewards.. The ETH staking process remains unchanged. For more details on staking ETH, please refer to the following links:Bitfinex Launches Ethereum Staking Service. Ethereum Staking on Bitfinex. More information on the Shapella upgrade can be found at https://blog.ethereum.org/2023/03/28/shapella-mainnet-announcement and https://ethereum.org/en/history/.