

[Digital Asset] PUNDIX Deposit/Withdrawal Resume (Issue New Wallet Address)


相關類型: Others

2021-04-01 14:04

Dear Traders, We have confirmed stability after token swap and resume the deposit/withdrawal service of PUNDIX. Please check updated minimum withdrawal, minimum deposit and withdrawal fee. [Pundi X(PUNDIX)] - Minimum Withdrawal: 1.7 PUNDIX - Minimum Deposit: 2.5 PUNDIX - Withdrawal Fee: 1.7 PUNDIX - Updated Contract Address: [0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38](https://etherscan.io/address/0x0fd10b9899882a6f2fcb5c371e17e70fdee00c38) Minimum confirmations for deposit has not changed. [Note] - Before transfer, please check if originating/destination exchange or wallet supports migrated contract. - Please issue new wallet address to deposit into Upbit. - Deposit from outdated contract will not be credited and the recovery may not be possible. - For investor protection, open orders before the swap has been cancelled. Thank you. Upbit Team. Find us on: - Twitter: [https://twitter.com/upbitglobal](https://twitter.com/upbitglobal) - Instagram : [https://www.instagram.com/upbit.exchange](https://www.instagram.com/upbit.exchange)